COVID-19 Guidance
At Day to Day Fitness we are taking this pandemic very seriously. To ensure all parties involved are safe we are taking every measure possible to keep you, your family, and our staff safe.
After each session all equipment is thoroughly sanitized and the trainer sanitizes their hands.
If a client feels ill or has come into contact with someone who has COVID-19 Day to Day Fitness will only do Zoom/Skype sessions until after the 2 week quarantine and they test negative.
We take precaution in our everyday lives as well by wearing an efficient mask, social distancing, and limiting our time out in public.
Our goal is to keep our clients and ourselves healthy during these times, and appointments will be cancelled if there is any risk of exposure.
In-Home Personal Training is a great alternative to other fitness solutions such as group fitness classes or traveling to a gym during COVID-19. In-Home training limits your contact to a single individual versus the alternative of exposing yourself to an abundance of additional unknown individuals and unwanted health risk.